Dave's Homecoming
Here is the lovely hangar where we waited for three hours for the plane to
arrive, the guys to get through customs and finally be loaded onto buses and
brought to us.
Benjamin and his brothers made a wonderful sign to welcome back their dad.
Three hours in an un-air-conditioned hangar on metal chairs... we waited and
waited and waited... Daniel got thoroughly filthy on the dirty floors.
All the Indianapolis area relatives showed up. Here we have Grandpa Nick
("Pa!" to Daniel), Uncle Tim and Grandma Pat. You can see Grandma Neen
kissing Daniel above.
Finally! They raised the bay door and the soldiers marched in. We
were too far back to see anything, but we had Benjamin sit on Uncle Tim's
shoulders and take any pictures he could get.
Benjamin and Evan were thrilled to get their daddy back.
Daniel was, too, but he had to check Dave out for a bit.