Here are some pictures from our big California trip:
First, we hit the beach. It was good that we did it first as there were
only about two or three sunny days the whole time we were there!
Then we went to the local park. Benjamin, Robert and Evan made "sand
angels" and then we had a bit of a pile-up on the slide.
The babies liked to "triple team" us. Here, they've raided the cup cabinet
and are going three separate ways...
They have an orange tree in their backyard, so after you've stripped it of all
the ripe oranges, you must make orange juice pops!
Rub a dub dub, three babies in a tub!
Here's everyone at the Aquarium (I'm off buying something...)
Henry, Evan and Robert touching rays and sharks at the aquarium.
We love our little brother... ???
Yes, we fed the babies off the floor like they were a pack of dogs!
The four beautiful Pickett children. Maggie the musician, Robert, Henry
prior to losing his other front tooth and Thomas.